
our mission

We hope that one day mental healthcare is accessible to all who desire and need such. We are painfully aware of just how difficult it can be to reach out for help, or to even convince ourselves we want help in the first place. Hence, our library. Our library services are open to the public and operate just as any other library does. You may come in, look through our assortment of mental health-oriented books, and if you so choose, check out whatever books you are interested in. This is a way for those who desire mental healthcare, regardless of accessibility, are able to gain knowledge and information around mental health. It is a safe way to begin self-discovery without having to reach out to another person and ask for help. You simply get to just check out a book from The Mental Library.

Quick Overview of How We Operate

Our library will one day be in our waiting area of our office. Until that time, we are operating on an old-school system. You may contact us with either a topic of interest or a specific title you are hoping to find, and we will send you a synopsis of the books we have available. If you are interested in looking through these, we will schedule a time to meet for you to look through and/or check out the book(s) of your choosing. We are working to get a database together to house the books in an online forum until we have our waiting area library available to the public. 

Have a recommendation?


Fill out our contact form and let us know what books you recommend/are offering to donate. We will be happy to set up a time for us to graciously accept your donation!

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